October 19, 2005
I can already see Otto doing somersaults (Part 1)

As we near the end of October there's only one thing my mind, and it has nothing to do with 1917 or a 97 year-old Cy Young candidate. I'm currently unable to pay attention to such matters, as my gag reflex still kicks in when I think about them, making it difficult to breathe. Instead, I've been trying to focus my attention elsewhere:
NCAA basketball, really. Gerry McNamara's jumpshot. Darryl Watkins' post presence and Josh Wright's acceleration. The Devendorf kid - is he really the Big East Rookie of the Year, as Jimmy B claims, or just a Jason Williams knock-off? I even spent most of the ALCS trying to decide if I should get season tickets simply because it is probably the last year I'll see Mike Hopkins on the SU side of the scorers' table.

A few points regarding the '05-'06 Orange(men):

2. Edelin is officially gone, citing personal reasons again. It's strange that he may be the single person most responsible for the current and future success of the team, yet he has left as its greatest underachiever. Carmelo would never have come if Billy didn't do it first, and most of the current recruits wouldn't have committed without Carmelo (more on this in Part 2).
3. I'm only going to say it once, because I don't want to repeat myself all season long. Louie McCroskey and Demetrius Nichols stink. It can be truly painful at times to watch either of them play. You can bet that there will be numerous articles in the paper throughout the season about how neither are providing the team with the perimeter game needed to alleviate the pressure on Gerry. I predict that they will be splitting time with each other the whole year, averaging 7 points/game between the two of them. They haven't matured yet, and I don't see any reason why they will this year. If they don't pick it up soon, 13 months from now neither will have a chance at starting again.
4. Darryl Watkins is sporting a new hairstyle and a job as the starting post man this year. According to his original recruiting reviews, he's a natural scorer from the center position, having netted 53 points once during a game in his senior year of high school. Syracuse will get significant point production from the center position again, something we haven't seen since before The Craiggers Years. It'll be fun to see if Watkins can live up to the Otis Hill-J.B. Reafsnyder legacy, much as Etan Thomas did in his day.

Although I have great faith in the Gerry-Darryl-Terrence trio, I'm feeling like this season is going to be a bit of a letdown. McNamara and Matt Gorman are the last scholarship players from the championship squad and there's a definite sense of closure coming from that. They are a Top-25 team but they probably won't get past the Sweet Sixteen this year, though it would still be an improvement. Unfortunately, I believe that we are about to watch an end of an era - a decline that began with the Final Four MOP crying at his farewell press conference and eventually culminating at the end of this season. Fortunately, there's already a new era of Syracuse Basketball developing - one that began with a recruiting trip to Niagara Falls this past spring and figures to last longer than 4 years this time.